已经不是第一次踏上印尼的土地了 走进印尼的Marelan乡村 看着那个几乎每天都要面临海水涨潮的村子 以及连饮食起居, 教育和健康都有问题的村民 去年的开斋节晚上,他们就是一边吃饭一边进行排水工作 印尼的贫穷问题已经不是一朝一夕的问题 我们有什么理由一直去埋怨自己吃不好住不好呢 看着那些小孩很纯真兴奋地说:淹水时就玩水和捉鱼啊 说完就跳进水坑里去玩水了 或许我们认为淹水啊这有什么好开心的 而且会影响健康 可是生活在不同环境的人 价值观就会不同 有时拥有越少,幸福感就越大,因为你会知道去珍惜 你拥有太多,就忘了去感激你所拥有的。 This is not the first time I came to Indonesia We came into a slum area in Indonesia's Marelan We saw the village that is facing the rising tide of water almostly every day And the residents have problems of daily diet, education and health They were draining the water while eating in the evening of the Eid Mubarak last year The poverty problem in Indonesia has existed for a long time And what reason do we have to complain about not eating and living well? We saw the children said innocently and excited: when their house are flooded, they play the water and catch fish. After that, they jump into the puddle and play with water. Maybe we think that flooding is not playful and it will affect health. However...